
Tuesday, November 24, 2020


First of all heres my text :12: John: Peter, you can really fly? Could you teach us to fly? Could you teach us to jump on the wind’s back and away we’ll go!?! Instead of sleeping in our silly beds we might be flying about saying funny things to the stars! How do we do it? Think lovely thoughts? Think lovely thoughts! Fishing… picnics… sailing… PRESENTS!!! And away we goooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Navigation in Space

 1.What is a solar system and what is the milky way an example of. A solar system consists of a star, such as the sun, and the objects affected by its gravity. These objects include planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids.2. The Milky Way galaxy is part of a group of galaxies called the Virgo Supercluster. The closest neighbors are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda galaxy.

2.What is a star describe a nebula.Stars are a huge amount of bodies in the sky made mostly of hydrogen and helium that produce light and heat from the churning nuclear forges inside their cores.2.A nebula is a cloud of gas and ust in outer space only visible at night.

3 What was the rocket that went into space called.Alliance Atlas V Rocket

4.How do stars die.Stars die because they exhaust their nuclear fuel. 

Jellie park water safety

 Tuesday the 24th of november we had to do a specific thing for the EOTC days I chose jellie park and made a google drawing about water safety here is my work.

So theres my work I hope that it is good because I tryed a little bit.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Comunication on earth

 There are loads of ways people can communicate on earth but I only have to explain three and how they work rather than like fifteen so here they are.

1.Cellphone/Mobile Phone

How does it work?

According to google a cell phone is essentially a two way radio consisting of a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. And when you talk with someone on your cell phone your cell phone converts your voice into an electrical signal which is then transmitted via radio waves to the nearest cell tower. The network of cell towers then relays the radio wave to your friend's cell phone which converts it to an electrical signal and then back to sound again.

2.A radio

How does it work?

Radio transmitters work by supplying a very fast changing electrical signal to an aerial like the ones on specific cars. To create a changing electromagnefied field. The speed at which these currents change controls the speed at which the electromagnetic field around the aerial changes. This is measured in hertz.


3. Paralinguistics

I don’t know much about this but this is what I got from the web,

Paralinguistics alludes to vocal communication that is detached from actual language. This includes factors like tone of voice, loudness and pitch.

Think of the powerful effect that tone of voice can have on the meaning of a sentence. When said in a strong tone of voice, listeners might interpret approval and enthusiasm. The same words said in a hesitant tone of voice might convey disapproval and a lack of interest.

We needed to comunicate from one end of the school field to another

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Te Whare Tapa Wha

 Te Whare Tapa Wha

Today in Hurumanu 1 we did a blog about Te Whare Tapa Wha,

A way to improve your phisical well being is to go to bed at the same time every night and have a helthy diet.

A way to improve your spiritual well being is to take a walk into the wilderness every week and spend more time out doors.

A way to improve your mental and emotional well being by doing things you enjoy and spend time with your relitives.

A way to improve your family and social well being is to go out and play with your friends more.

And in conclusian that is my blog post about Te Whare Tapa Wha.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Food Groups meal plan

 Today we did food group meal plan i did one too yay here is my plan.

Your Task: Create a meal plan for 1 day that includes all the necessary amounts for each of the

4 Food Groups

Vegetables + Fruit - at least 3 servings of vege and 2 servings of fruit every day 

Grain foods - 6 servings each day (check portion sizes)

Milk/Milk products - 2 servings

Legumes/Nuts/Seeds/Fish/Seafood/Eggs/Poultry/Meat etc. - 2 servings                          

When you have created your meal plan, please highlight each food based on the colours provided

above. This will help us clearly see where each of the food groups has fit in. Remember, you

want each meal to be a balanced plate.

Bonus research: how many glasses of water should we have each day?

Fit this into your meal plan. 


Carrots and bananas on toast


An Omelet


Carrot and apple with humus




How many servings per day? ___5____________________

How do you think you could fit these in besides just at meal times? 

  •   Have a drink of water every break and at home

My mars blog post

Today we had to do reading about mars and then awnser the questions here are the awnsers. When can a mission to mars (or from mars) happen? 2024 Why? Because the earth and mars will be the closest they have ever been What are two geological features from mars? Place in the solar system its the 4th planet from the sun,the length of a mars year is 687 earth days What is one solution from the story about oxygen on mars? Rely on bacteria and plankton If there is no rain on mars,where does the water come from? It comes from ice under mars dirt and soil. How will people get food on mars? What is a possible solution?use giant mirrors that could direct sunlight onto polar ice caps thawing all that carbon dioxide. Eventually it will be warm enough for plants to grow. YAY!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My Huru-2 Story

In Huru-2 bn-al and sk had to do a story it was called hero's and villans I did my story my story is a litte bit long I'll let you see here are some photo's first though.
Orientation: There I was feeling Phenomenal, I was feeling so Phenomenal that my leggings were falling off but it didn’t matter, I didn’t even notice because I was too obsessed with the fact that I was about to defeat the one and only gigantalacticsaurus. I slowly took out my blade and then it pounced in an awful motion I Froze into a deep trap of memories,I could see all the memories I could remember Since the time that my mother had given birth to myself except then it all disappeared, Everything went black in an instant then before i knew it there I saw the beast in the middle of its dramatic pounce, I quickly but fiercely drew my sword and pierced the thick reptile like skin. I thought it was all over until the beast spoke and said in a passionate voice “wake up sweetie you’ll be late for school”. I suddenly awoke and hit my head on my draws whilst hearing my alarm clock chanting the song I had set it to. Hurry up you’ll seriously be late. I quickly accelerated down the majestic looking staircase. To find my mother eating revolting pancakes made with alcohol,I said to myself you weird person. I quickly ran to the garage where my bike lay in a hay bale, I hopped on my bike and rode to school as fast as I could.I finally caught up with one of my friends William/Will, He said in a horrifying gibing voice “Took you long enough we going to be so late we’ll have detention for weeks”. I finally arrived at school. Whilst I was having the most atrocious morning of course it gets worse. All I could think about was the clouds turning grey and releasing a clear liquid that lands immaculately on my small shoulders soaking then until the cold liquid flows around my body. I said to myself “why”? Oh yeah I haven't introduced myself yet well here. Introduction My name is Henry Drout, I am 14 years old, I live in a large city named Alcinia,, I live,with my mother and brother Tyson Drout and I go to the most judgemental school in Alcinia. The school is called woodrick grove academy and it is the cruelest school in this horrible world, It has the worst teachers and the most annoying students/Pupils. The only good thing about the awful disgusting building of learning is my friends, You see my friends have the same problem as me, This problem was that we all had to move here from Chineria because of a pandemic called the plague 15 which has only been around for 1 week and 13 hours exactly. My friends' names are: William Zander, Liam Alpaca and Tony Buttland, CHAPTER ONE Finding: At school I had a completely normal day until after school let me fastfwd the story.I was riding my bike home passing the drawbridges and the revolting statues but as I passed one of the drawbridges I saw a reflection of light that started to shine onto my eyes like a star shining its brightest ever before. I startled for a second, As I startled my foot got caught in the rusty chain,I fell off of my bike into a chilly puddle and started to freeze as I walked down the slope like concrete. my location was on the concrete my destination was under the drawbridge.As I reached my destination down under the very high drawbridge I saw the glimmering light shining into my eyes once again but now I could see it clearly I said to myself it's a necklace. CHAPTER 2 BECOMING Suddenly a shadow came from under the bridge. It was my teacher, He drew a blade from his waistcoat and said in an ear ringing voice let's fight. He dashed at me as fast as a blink of an eye.I jumped to the necklace and put it on.I could feel the power flowing through my body, I could also sense that my teacher was behind me I flicked around and my fist energised, It had electricity around it. I hooked my teacher in the jaw as hard as I could, A part of my teacher cracked I heard it. I sounded like it came from his face. It went krrrracckk! His face started to fade away slowly, I kicked him in the gut another crack came about. He started fighting back. He tried to punch me, But everything went into slow motion. I dodged his atack and constantly jabbed him 17 times faster than I could see with my own eyes. my teacher suddenly fell to the ground when he hit it he burst into coins, Words popped up in front of me they said completed. I started to celebrate jumping off the ground, But then When I landed.1 time I averaged my ankle then I fell to the ground ,dislocated my collar bone and broke my neck. I died right then and there. The End And in conclusion that is my story I hope you tryed to picture the details in your head GOODBYE

Monday, August 17, 2020

My question about Abortion


I researched about Abortion and apparentally it is when the use of medicine to end an undesired pregnancy.

Friday, August 14, 2020

my speech

 oday we did a speech about what we wrote i did one but it deleted itself so yeah heres my new one.

Basically Amphibians are toads frogs and stuff.But here are some reasons of why we should not keep them in captivity.

There are many reasons to keep amphibians in captivity including for purposes of exhibition, education, conservation, preservation, and for hobby and personal interests. Historically, zoos and aquariums have included amphibians within their herpetology programs and displays; however, as they become more conservation-oriented (versus the menageries of the past), zoos and aquariums will have to alter their collections to reflect their resources and capacities to carry out this work (Rabb, 2004). The financial and spatial requirements necessary to meet conservation goals and propagate critically endangered amphibians are significantly less than those required for larger species (e.g., elephants). The Amphibian has estimated that approximately 500 species of amphibians are in need of carefully managed ex situ help; however, today likely fewer than 10 species are in managed programs.

There are many species of Amphibians but my favourite is the fire salamander the fire salamander is an amphibians species. I think it is really interesting because of the way it acts and looks.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The song we did in class:)

On Wensday the 5th of Aug Miss Alan and Miss Bremner made us do this thing where we have had to write down our feelings about this song here is what I thought of. I was walking down the street and then all of a sudden I heard this awful song but for some reason it reminded me of the time I cut my leg and my back open IDKY it just did.I’m pretty sure it was that boring that I thought of that but for some reason it felt weird like I could feel the pain weird and I was having visions of how it happened and looking at the bones and the meat .I also had another feeling this other feeling was annoyingness because I had heard that song so many times on forest gump that it was just so annoying.You see I have seen forest gump so many times I dont even know how many times I have watched it.

It now reminds me of the feather from the intro of forrest gump and it falling, and when I think of that it reminds me of these dreams that I had like a long time ago it was a dream were I walked chest puffed up into a hay bale and there were all these, pigs in the middle of knowere but for some reason a loud voice came out of knowere and it said you have been chosen to be eliminated for varieos reasons and a laser shot through my skin and I would suddenly wake up and it was school time. That was all about the dream that I always had.

This now concludes me to the end of my feelings about this piano song by:Alan Silvestri so yeah here’s a link to the video of the song.

Link to video