On Wensday the 5th of Aug Miss Alan and Miss Bremner made us do this thing where we have had to write down our feelings about this song here is what I thought of. I was walking down the street and then all of a sudden I heard this awful song but for some reason it reminded me of the time I cut my leg and my back open IDKY it just did.I’m pretty sure it was that boring that I thought of that but for some reason it felt weird like I could feel the pain weird and I was having visions of how it happened and looking at the bones and the meat .I also had another feeling this other feeling was annoyingness because I had heard that song so many times on forest gump that it was just so annoying.You see I have seen forest gump so many times I dont even know how many times I have watched it.
It now reminds me of the feather from the intro of forrest gump and it falling, and when I think of that it reminds me of these dreams that I had like a long time ago it was a dream were I walked chest puffed up into a hay bale and there were all these, pigs in the middle of knowere but for some reason a loud voice came out of knowere and it said you have been chosen to be eliminated for varieos reasons and a laser shot through my skin and I would suddenly wake up and it was school time. That was all about the dream that I always had.
This now concludes me to the end of my feelings about this piano song by:Alan Silvestri so yeah here’s a link to the video of the song.
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