
Friday, April 13, 2018

prototec term 1

Today I worked on my square roots times tables fractions and division I used prototec for my maths site.

Here are my results:

Next time I want to work on my fractions and factors.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Hi.This time I am sharing about prodigy this is a math game where you are a wizard and you get a pet to keep.You also get conjure cubes in battle they look like this.                                                                                              conjure                cube
There is a thing going on called spring fest it is where there are magic eggs going around the place.You give the magic eggs to a bunny or a fox but you need a mask you can either put on a bunny mask or a fox mask but I think there stuff is bad stuff you can't get in the fox place if you don't have a fox mask on same with the bunny's .

I am level 44 the highest level you can get up to is level 100 I have got lots of stuff I will name the things I use most big hex staff big hex helmet magic boots and fire robes.